Karen Klein graduated in 2006 from the University of Mannheim with the First State Examination in Law. She went on to earn a doctorate in the field of contemporary legal history. Following this, she completed her legal clerkship at the Mannheim Regional Court, passing with the Second State Examination in Law. After completing her education, she worked for five years in a prestigious German law firm with a focus on commercial cases, specializing in the area of compliance. Additionally, she taught presentation techniques as a lecturer at the University of Mannheim. Since 2016, Karen Klein has been a lecturer funded by the German Academic Exchange Service at the Turkish-German University. In 2022, she was given the responsibility of the German coordination at the Faculty of Law. Her areas of expertise in teaching and research include civil law and compliance.
Authors: ZEYTİN ZAFER, KLEIN KAREN, Index Type: Endekste taranmıyor, Type: Without Referee, Journal Name: Neue Zeitschrift für Familienrecht, Number of Authors: 2, Month: Januar, Language: Deutsch, Volume: 12, Issue: 2, Page: 69-75, ISSN: 2198-2333, Access Type: Printversion, Subject Matter Knowledge: Law>Field of Study, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: KLEIN KAREN, Ulshöfer Judith, Index Type: İlgili alanda önde gelen ülkelerin hakemli bilimsel/mesleki dergilerinde yayımlanmış tam makale, Type: Without Referee, Journal Name: JURA - Juristische Ausbildung, Number of Authors: 2, Month: September, Language: Deutsch, Volume: 41, Issue: 10, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 1075-1086, ISSN: 1612-7021, Access Type: Elektronisch, Article Link: http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/jura.2019.41.issue-10/jura-2019-2236/jura-2019-2236.xml , Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı->Medeni Hukuk, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: Balke Michaela, KLEIN KAREN, Index Type: İlgili alanda önde gelen ülkelerin hakemli bilimsel/mesleki dergilerinde yayımlanmış tam makale, Type: Without Referee, Journal Name: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht, Number of Authors: 2, Month: Oktober, Language: Deutsch, Volume: 42, Issue: 2017, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 2038-2046, ISSN: 0723-9416, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı->Ticaret Hukuku, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: Ott Nicolas, KLEIN KAREN, Type: Without Referee, Journal Name: Die Aktiengesellschaft, Number of Authors: 2, Month: Januar, Language: Deutsch, Volume: 62, Issue: 7, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 209-221, ISSN: 2366-097X, Access Type: Elektronisch, Article Link: https://www.degruyter.com/doi/10.9785/ag-2017-0703 , Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı->Ticaret Hukuku, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: KLEIN KAREN, Index Type: Endekste taranmıyor, Type: people.with_referee, Journal Name: Türk Alman Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Dezember, Language: Deutsch, Volume: 6, Issue: 2, Page: 371-380, ISSN: 2687-3923, Access Type: Elektronisch, Article Link: https://3fcampus.tau.edu.tr/uploads/cms/hfd.tau/mL36HmfmJJ.pdf , Subject Matter Knowledge: Law>Field of Study, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: KRETSCHMER JOACHIM, Aydin Taner, KLEIN KAREN, SCHUSTER SUSANNE, Index Type: Endekste taranmıyor, Type: people.with_referee, Journal Name: Türk Alman Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, Number of Authors: 4, Month: Juni, Language: Deutsch, Volume: 6, Issue: 1, Page: 447-470, ISSN: 2687-3923, Access Type: Elektronisch, Article Link: https://3fcampus.tau.edu.tr/uploads/cms/hfd.tau/LBDXm6Zq54.pdf , Subject Matter Knowledge: Law>Field of Study, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: KLEIN KAREN, Index Type: Endekste taranmıyor, Type: people.with_referee, Journal Name: Türk-Alman Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Juni, Language: Deutsch, Volume: 3, Issue: 1, Page: 3-25, ISSN: 2687-3923, Access Type: Printversion+Elektronisch, Article Link: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/tauhfd/issue/63335/960106 , Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Civil Law, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: KLEIN KAREN, Index Type: Endekste taranmıyor, Type: people.with_referee, Journal Name: Türk-Alman Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Dezember, Language: Deutsch, Volume: 2, Issue: 2, Page: 179-204, ISSN: 2687-3923, Access Type: Printversion+Elektronisch, Article Link: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/tauhfd/issue/59283/851382 , Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Civil Law, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: KLEIN KAREN, Index Type: Endekste taranmıyor, Type: people.with_referee, Journal Name: Türk-Alman Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Juni, Language: Deutsch, Volume: 2, Issue: 1, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 159-184, ISSN: 2687-3923, Access Type: Printversion+Elektronisch, Article Link: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/tauhfd/issue/51163/666540 , Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı->Ticaret Hukuku, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: KLEIN KAREN, Index Type: Endekste taranmıyor, Type: people.with_referee, Journal Name: Türk-Alman Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Januar, Language: Deutsch, Volume: 1, Issue: 1, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 111-132, ISSN: 2687-3923, Access Type: Printversion+Elektronisch, Article Link: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/tauhfd/issue/50341/651853 , Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı->Ticaret Hukuku, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: KLEIN KAREN, KRETSCHMER JOACHIM, Type: Volltextpapier, Event Name: Vortrag an der Universität Istanbul, Event Start Date: 30/10/2024, Event End Date: 30/10/2024, Number of Authors: 2, Language: Deutsch, Publication State: Not Published, Special Issue: Not Exists, Country: TURKEY, Subject Matter Knowledge: Law>Civil Law,
Authors: KLEIN KAREN, Type: Volltextpapier, Event Name: Humboldt-Kolleg Istanbul, Über die Bedeutung der Wissens- und Willensforschung für die strafrechtliche Verantwortlichkeit, 19-jähriges Jubiläum der türkischen Strafrechtsreform, Event Start Date: 02/06/2024, Event End Date: 02/06/2024, Number of Authors: 1, Language: Deutsch, Publication State: Not Published, Special Issue: Not Exists, Country: TURKEY, Subject Matter Knowledge: Law>Commercial Law,
Authors: KLEIN KAREN, Type: Volltextpapier, Event Name: Wir gratulieren 75 Jahre! (Beiträge zum Geburtstag der deutschen Verfassung), Event Start Date: 23/05/2024, Event End Date: 23/05/2024, Number of Authors: 1, Language: Deutsch, Publication State: Published, Published Date: 12/06/2024, Volume: 6, Issue: 1, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 447-470, ISSN: 2687-3923, Access Type: Printversion, Country: TURKEY, Subject Matter Knowledge: Law>Civil Law,
Authors: KLEIN KAREN, DOĞAN BANDIR GÖKCEN, Chapter Name: Verträge mit Schutzwirkung zugunsten Dritter im deutschen und türkischen Recht, Type: wissenschaftliches Buch, Number of Authors: 2, Editor: KLEIN KAREN, Language: Deutsch, Contribution Level: Kapitel, Publisher: Nomos, Page: 103-145, ISBN: ISBN 978-3-7560-1023-3, Access Type: Printversion, Country: GERMANY, Subject Matter Knowledge: Law>Field of Study,
Authors: KLEIN KAREN, ÇELİK BURAK, Chapter Name: Verbindliches Angebot oder Einladung zur Angebotsabgabe – Eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung zum deutschen und türkischen Recht, Type: wissenschaftliches Buch, Number of Authors: 2, Editor: KLEIN KAREN, Language: Deutsch, Contribution Level: Kapitel, Publisher: Nomos, Page: 147-179, ISBN: ISBN 978-3-7560-1023-3, Access Type: Printversion, Country: GERMANY, Subject Matter Knowledge: Law>Field of Study,
Authors: KLEIN KAREN, KAYA ESRA BAHAR, Chapter Name: Der Vertragsschluss im Internet in Deutschland und der Türkei, Type: wissenschaftliches Buch, Number of Authors: 2, Editor: KLEIN KAREN, Language: Deutsch, Contribution Level: Kapitel, Publisher: Nomos, Page: 181-215, ISBN: ISBN 978-3-7560-1023-3, Access Type: Printversion, Country: GERMANY, Subject Matter Knowledge: Law>Field of Study,
Authors: Falk Ulrich, KLEIN KAREN, Chapter Name: Hindsight Bias als Problem der Anwalts- und der Vorstandshaftung, Type: wissenschaftliches Buch, Number of Authors: 2, Editor: Falk Ulrich, Gehrlein Markus, Kreft Gerhart, Obert Marcus, Language: Deutsch, Contribution Level: Kapitel, Publisher: Gesellschaft für Kulturhistorische Dokumentation, Page: 83-97, ISBN: 978-3922596257, Access Type: Printversion, Country: GERMANY, Subject Matter Knowledge: Law>Field of Study,
Authors: KLEIN KAREN, Type: wissenschaftliches Buch, Number of Authors: 1, Editor: , Language: Deutsch, Contribution Level: Alles, Publisher: Röhrig Universitätsverlag, ISBN: 9783861104759, Access Type: Printversion, Country: GERMANY, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı->Hukuk Tarihi,
Authors: KLEIN KAREN, Type: Buch, Type: Buch, Duty: Redakteur, Number of Authors: 1, Start Date: 20/05/2001, End Date: 30/11/-0001, Language: Deutsch, ISBN: ISBN 978-3-7560-1023-3, Publisher: Nomos, Access Type: Printversion, Subject Matter Knowledge: Law>Field of Study,