Merve Güney was born in 1998. She completed her primary and high school education in Ankara. In 2021, she graduated from Bilkent University Faculty of Law with highest honors (Summa Cum Laude), which she started in 2016. In the same year, she started her master's degree in Private Law at Istanbul University. As of March 2022, she started to work as a research assistant at the Turkish-German University, Faculty of Law, Department of Civil Procedure and Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law.
Authors: GÜNEY MERVE, Type: Zusammenfassender Bericht, Event Name: Hukukî Dinlenilme Hakkı Bağlamında İhtiyatî Tedbirler ve Koruma Dilekçesi Sempozyumu, Event Start Date: 12/07/2023, Event End Date: 12/07/2023, Number of Authors: 1, Language: Türkisch, Publication State: Not Published, Special Issue: Not Exists, Country: TURKEY, City: İstanbul, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Medeni Usul ve İcra İflas Hukuku,
Project State: in Bearbeitung, Type of Project: Position in the Project: Stipendiat,
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