Born in Kahramanmaraş/Afşin in 1966, Prof. Dr. Vural Seven graduated from Istanbul University Faculty of Law in 1989. He was appointed as a Research Assistant to Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Law, Department of Commercial Law in 1990 and completed his internship at Izmir Bar Association in the same year. Seven, who completed his master's degree at Istanbul University the Institute of Social Sciences - Department of Private Law in 1993, started his doctorate education at Dokuz Eylul University the Institute of Social Sciences - Department of Private Law in 1994. Seven, who worked on his doctoral thesis at Münster-Westfälische Wilhelms University, Germany between June 1997 and August 1998, earned the title of "Doctor of Law" in 2001 with his doctoral thesis on "The Responsibility of the Carrier from the Violation of the Duty of Care for the Cargo". In the same year, he started to work as an Assistant Professor and the head of the Maritime Law Department at Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Law, Department of Commercial Law. In 2013, Seven received the title of "Commercial Law Associate Professor" with his thesis on "The Legal Position of the Consignee in Transportation Law". Due to his expertise, Prof. Dr. Vural Seven gave his services at many conflicts and conducted conferences in various places. He gave lectures in the training activities organized for judges by The Council of Judges And Prosecutors and the Justice Academy, especially within the scope of the efforts to introduce the Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102. Since its establishment, Seven has taken part in many disputes as an appeal arbitrator at the Insurance Arbitration Commission and still works as an appeal arbitrator at this Commission. Apart from being an appeal arbitrator at the Insurance Arbitration Commission, he also acts as an arbitrator in other institutional arbitration and ad hoc arbitration proceedings. Prof. Dr. Vural Seven has works published in all areas of Commercial Law, including Commercial Enterprise Law, Corporate Law, Transportation Law, Negotiable Instruments Law, Maritime Law, and Insurance Law. His main areas of work are; within the scope of Commercial Law, especially Maritime Law, Transportation Law, Negotiable Instruments Law, and Insurance Law. In addition to these areas, Seven is also closely involved in Cooperatives Law, Capital Market Law, and Stock Exchange Law. Moreover, "Insurance Law" lectures prepared by him for Anadolu University Faculty of Open Education were broadcasted on TRT 4 TV channel. Seven has been working as a faculty member at the Turkish-German University Faculty of Law since the 2016-2017 academic year. Prof. Dr. Vural Seven has seven published books, and more than thirty articles on different subjects, mainly in different fields of Commercial Law. He speaks German. Detailed Information:
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Index Type: TR DİZİN, Type: people.with_referee, Journal Name: Türkiye Barolar Birliği Dergisi, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Juli, Language: Türkisch, Volume: 37, Issue: 173, Page: 443-458, ISSN: 1304-2408, Access Type: Printversion+Elektronisch, Article Link: , Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Ticaret Hukuku, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Index Type: Endekste taranmıyor, Type: Without Referee, Journal Name: Lexpera Blog, Number of Authors: 1, Month: März, Language: Türkisch, ISSN: -, Access Type: Elektronisch, Article Link: , Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Ticaret Hukuku, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Index Type: TR DİZİN, Type: people.with_referee, Journal Name: Türkiye Barolar Birliği Dergisi, Number of Authors: 1, Month: März, Language: Türkisch, Volume: 36, Issue: 171, Page: 255-288, ISSN: 1304-2408, Access Type: Printversion+Elektronisch, Article Link: , Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Ticaret Hukuku, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Index Type: Endekste taranmıyor, Type: Without Referee, Journal Name: Lexpera Blog, Number of Authors: 1, Month: März, Language: Türkisch, ISSN: -, Access Type: Elektronisch, Article Link: , Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Ticaret Hukuku, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Index Type: Endekste taranmıyor, Type: Without Referee, Journal Name: Lexpera Blog, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Februar, Language: Türkisch, ISSN: -, Access Type: Elektronisch, Article Link: , Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Ticaret Hukuku, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Index Type: Endekste taranmıyor, Type: Without Referee, Journal Name: Lexpera Blog, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Februar, Language: Türkisch, ISSN: -, Access Type: Elektronisch, Article Link: , Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Ticaret Hukuku, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Index Type: Endekste taranmıyor, Type: Without Referee, Journal Name: Lexpera Blog, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Mai, Language: Türkisch, ISSN: -, Access Type: Elektronisch, Article Link: , Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Ticaret Hukuku, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Index Type: Endekste taranmıyor, Type: Without Referee, Journal Name: Lexpera Blog, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Mai, Language: Türkisch, ISSN: -, Access Type: Elektronisch, Article Link: , Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Ticaret Hukuku, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Index Type: TR DİZİN, Type: people.with_referee, Journal Name: Hacettepe Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Oktober, Language: Türkisch, Page: 142-164, Doi: 10.32957/hacettepehdf.1187129, ISSN: 2146-1708, Access Type: Printversion+Elektronisch, Article Link: , Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Bilim Alanı, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Index Type: TR DİZİN, Type: Without Referee, Journal Name: İzmir Barosu Dergisi, Number of Authors: 1, Month: August, Language: Türkisch, Volume: 87, Issue: 2, Page: 419-439, ISSN: 1305-757X, Access Type: Printversion, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Ticaret Hukuku, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, YILMAZ GÜLŞAH, Index Type: TR DİZİN, Type: people.with_referee, Journal Name: Türkiye Barolar Birliği Dergisi, Number of Authors: 2, Month: Januar, Language: Türkisch, Volume: 34, Issue: 158, Page: 257-286, ISSN: 1304-2408, Access Type: Printversion+Elektronisch, Article Link: , Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Ticaret Hukuku, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Öksüzoğlu Tuğba Hilal, Index Type: TR DİZİN, Type: people.with_referee, Journal Name: Türk-Alman Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, Number of Authors: 2, Month: Dezember, Language: Türkisch, Volume: 2, Issue: 2, Page: 25-76, ISSN: 2687-3923, Access Type: Printversion+Elektronisch, Article Link: , Subject Matter Knowledge: Temel Alan>>Taşıma hukuku, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, OYAL AHMET BATUHAN, Index Type: TR DİZİN, Type: people.with_referee, Journal Name: İstanbul hukuk mecmuası, Number of Authors: 2, Month: Oktober, Language: Türkisch, Volume: 78, Issue: 2, Page: 611-655, ISSN: 2636-7734, Access Type: Printversion+Elektronisch, Article Link: , Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Ticaret Hukuku>Ticaret Hukuku>Taşıma Hukuku,Riziko alanı,Riziko alanı ilkesi, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Index Type: Endekste taranmıyor, Type: Without Referee, Journal Name: BUSINESS Türkiye, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Februar, Language: Türkisch, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 28-28, ISSN: 2651-5253, Access Type: Printversion, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Ticaret Hukuku, Article Type: Aufsatz,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Index Type: Endekste taranmıyor, Type: Without Referee, Journal Name: FRANCHISE MARKET TÜRKİYE, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Januar, Language: Türkisch, Issue: 6, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 96-99, ISSN: 2587-227, Access Type: Printversion, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Ticaret Hukuku, Article Type: Aufsatz,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Index Type: Endekste taranmıyor, Type: Without Referee, Journal Name: FRANCHISE MARKET TÜRKİYE, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Oktober, Language: Türkisch, Issue: 5, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 30-30, ISSN: 2587-227, Access Type: Printversion, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Ticaret Hukuku, Article Type: Aufsatz,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Index Type: TR DİZİN, Type: people.with_referee, Journal Name: Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Oktober, Language: Türkisch, Volume: 13, Issue: 169-170, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 9-29, ISSN: 1304-7949, Access Type: Printversion, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Ticaret Hukuku, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Index Type: Endekste taranmıyor, Type: Without Referee, Journal Name: Franchise Market Türkiye, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Juli, Language: Türkisch, Issue: 4, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 116-117, ISSN: 2587-227, Access Type: Printversion, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Ticaret Hukuku>Ticaret Hukuku, Article Type: Aufsatz,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Index Type: TR DİZİN, Type: people.with_referee, Journal Name: İZMİR BAROSU DERGİSİ, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Mai, Language: Türkisch, Volume: 83, Issue: 2, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 95-129, ISSN: 1305-757X, Access Type: Printversion+Elektronisch, Article Link:şvurmadan-Önce-Sigorta-Şirketine-Basvurma-Zorunlulugu.pdf , Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Ticaret Hukuku, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Index Type: Endekste taranmıyor, Type: Without Referee, Journal Name: Franchise Market Türkiye, Number of Authors: 1, Month: April, Language: Türkisch, Issue: 3, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 54-55, ISSN: 2587-227, Access Type: Printversion, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Ticaret Hukuku, Article Type: Aufsatz,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Index Type: Endekste taranmıyor, Type: Without Referee, Journal Name: Franchise Market Türkiye, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Januar, Language: Türkisch, Issue: 2, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 58-59, ISSN: 2587-227, Access Type: Printversion, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Ticaret Hukuku>Ticaret Hukuku, Article Type: Aufsatz,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Index Type: TR DİZİN, Type: people.with_referee, Journal Name: Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Oktober, Language: Türkisch, Volume: 12, Issue: 157-158, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 31-62, ISSN: 1304-7949, Access Type: Printversion, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Ticaret Hukuku, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Index Type: TR DİZİN, Type: Without Referee, Journal Name: Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Oktober, Language: Türkisch, Volume: 12, Page: 135-144, ISSN: 1304-7949, Access Type: Printversion+Elektronisch, Article Link: , Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Bilim Alanı, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Index Type: Endekste taranmıyor, Type: Without Referee, Journal Name: Franchise Market Türkiye, Number of Authors: 1, Month: September, Language: Türkisch, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 20-21, ISSN: 2587-227, Access Type: Printversion, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Ticaret Hukuku>Ticaret Hukuku, Article Type: Aufsatz,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Index Type: TR DİZİN, Type: people.with_referee, Journal Name: İZMİR BAROSU DERGİSİ, Number of Authors: 1, Month: September, Language: Türkisch, Volume: 82, Issue: 3, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 199-219, ISSN: 1305-757X, Access Type: Printversion, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Ticaret Hukuku, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Index Type: TR DİZİN, Type: people.with_referee, Journal Name: İZMİR BAROSU DERGİSİ, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Januar, Language: Türkisch, Volume: 82, Issue: 1, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 55-77, ISSN: 1305-757X, Access Type: Printversion+Elektronisch, Article Link: , Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Ticaret Hukuku, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Type: Without Referee, Journal Name: Deniz Endüstri Dergisi, Number of Authors: 1, Month: April, Language: Türkisch, Volume: 0, Issue: 17, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 72-73, Access Type: Printversion, Country: TURKEY, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı->Hukuk, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Type: Without Referee, Journal Name: Deniz Endüstri Dergisi, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Februar, Language: Türkisch, Volume: 0, Issue: 16, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 70-71, Access Type: Printversion, Country: TURKEY, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı->Hukuk, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Type: Without Referee, Journal Name: Prof. Dr. Fırat ÖZTAN’a Armağan, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Januar, Language: Türkisch, Volume: 2, Issue: 0, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 1899-1908, Country: TURKEY, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı->Hukuk, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Index Type: Endekste taranmıyor, Type: people.with_referee, Journal Name: Prof. Dr. Saim Üstündağ'a Armağan, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Juni, Language: Türkisch, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 419-424, ISSN: 9786054144853, Access Type: Printversion, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Ticaret Hukuku, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Type: Without Referee, Journal Name:, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Januar, Language: Türkisch, Volume: 0, Issue: 0, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 0-0, Country: TURKEY, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı->Hukuk, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Type: Without Referee, Journal Name: İzmir Barosu Dergisi, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Januar, Language: Türkisch, Volume: 0, Issue: 1, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 97-111, Country: TURKEY, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı->Hukuk, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Index Type: TR DİZİN, Type: people.with_referee, Journal Name: Legal Hukuk Dergisi, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Januar, Language: Türkisch, Volume: 7, Issue: 73, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 87-94, ISSN: 1303-9210, Access Type: Printversion, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Ticaret Hukuku, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Type: Without Referee, Journal Name: Haluk Konuralp Anısına Armağan, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Januar, Language: Türkisch, Volume: 3, Issue: 0, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 871-899, Country: TURKEY, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı->Hukuk, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Type: Without Referee, Journal Name: Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Hatemi’ye Armağan, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Januar, Language: Türkisch, Volume: 2, Issue: 0, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 1379-1394, Country: TURKEY, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı->Hukuk, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Index Type: Alan endeksleri kapsamındaki dergilerde yayımlanmış tam makale (Endeksi belirtiniz), Type: people.with_referee, Journal Name: DEÜHFD, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Januar, Language: Türkisch, Volume: 11, Issue: 0, Special Issue: Exits, Page: 1267-1278, Access Type: Printversion, Country: TURKEY, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı->Hukuk, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Type: Without Referee, Journal Name:, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Januar, Language: Türkisch, Volume: 0, Issue: 0, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 0-0, Country: TURKEY, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı->Hukuk, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Index Type: Alan endeksleri kapsamındaki dergilerde yayımlanmış tam makale (Endeksi belirtiniz), Type: people.with_referee, Journal Name: Türkiye Barolar Birliği Dergisi, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Juni, Language: Türkisch, Volume: 0, Issue: 70, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 284-301, Country: TURKEY, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı->Hukuk, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Type: Without Referee, Journal Name: Prof. Dr. Hüseyin ÜLGEN Armağanı, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Januar, Language: Türkisch, Volume: 1, Issue: 0, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 761-782, Country: TURKEY, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı->Hukuk, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Index Type: Alan endeksleri kapsamındaki dergilerde yayımlanmış tam makale (Endeksi belirtiniz), Type: people.with_referee, Journal Name: İstanbul Barosu Dergisi, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Dezember, Language: Türkisch, Volume: 80, Issue: 0, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 2455-2470, Country: TURKEY, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı->Hukuk, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Index Type: Alan endeksleri kapsamındaki dergilerde yayımlanmış tam makale (Endeksi belirtiniz), Type: people.with_referee, Journal Name: LEGAL Hukuk Dergisi, Number of Authors: 1, Month: November, Language: Türkisch, Volume: 4, Issue: 47, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 3363-3375, Country: TURKEY, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı->Hukuk, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Index Type: Alan endeksleri kapsamındaki dergilerde yayımlanmış tam makale (Endeksi belirtiniz), Type: people.with_referee, Journal Name: LEGAL Hukuk Dergisi, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Februar, Language: Türkisch, Volume: 4, Issue: 38, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 447-460, Country: TURKEY, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı->Hukuk, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Index Type: Alan endeksleri kapsamındaki dergilerde yayımlanmış tam makale (Endeksi belirtiniz), Type: people.with_referee, Journal Name: İstanbul Barosu Dergisi, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Januar, Language: Türkisch, Volume: 79, Issue: 1, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 59-69, Country: TURKEY, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı->Hukuk, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Index Type: Alan endeksleri kapsamındaki dergilerde yayımlanmış tam makale (Endeksi belirtiniz), Type: people.with_referee, Journal Name: DEÜHFD, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Januar, Language: Türkisch, Volume: 7, Issue: 1, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 213-236, Access Type: Printversion, Country: TURKEY, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı->Hukuk, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Index Type: Alan endeksleri kapsamındaki dergilerde yayımlanmış tam makale (Endeksi belirtiniz), Type: people.with_referee, Journal Name: LEGAL Medeni Usul ve İcra İflas Hukuku Dergisi, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Januar, Language: Türkisch, Volume: 0, Issue: 1, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 51-88, Access Type: Printversion, Country: TURKEY, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı->Hukuk, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Index Type: Alan endeksleri kapsamındaki dergilerde yayımlanmış tam makale (Endeksi belirtiniz), Type: people.with_referee, Journal Name: DEÜHFD, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Januar, Language: Türkisch, Volume: 5, Issue: 2, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 143-158, Access Type: Printversion, Country: TURKEY, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı->Hukuk, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Type: Without Referee, Journal Name: İzmir Barosu Dergisi, Number of Authors: 1, Month: Oktober, Language: Türkisch, Volume: 0, Issue: 4, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 8-22, Access Type: Printversion, Country: TURKEY, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı->Hukuk, Article Type: Originalartikel,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Type: Volltextpapier, Event Name: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi III. Sigorta ve Şirketler Hukuku Sempozyumu, Event Start Date: 20/10/2023, Number of Authors: 1, Language: Türkisch, Publication State: Not Published, Special Issue: Not Exists, Country: TURKEY, City: Ankara, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Ticaret Hukuku>Sigorta Hukuku,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Type: Volltextpapier, Event Name: İstanbul Barosu-Deprem ve Hukuk Seminerleri 2-Zorunlu ve İhtiyari Deprem Sigortaları, Event Start Date: 13/09/2023, Number of Authors: 1, Language: Türkisch, Publication State: Not Published, Special Issue: Not Exists, Country: TURKEY, City: İstanbul, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Ticaret Hukuku>Sigorta Hukuku,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Type: Zusammenfassender Bericht, Event Name: İzmir Barosu Yargı Kararları Işığında Kambiyo Senetlerine İlişkin Sorunlar Sempozyumu, Event Start Date: 03/06/2022, Event End Date: 03/06/2022, Number of Authors: 1, Language: Türkisch, Publication State: Not Published, Special Issue: Not Exists, Country: TURKEY, City: İzmir, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Ticaret Hukuku,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Type: Zusammenfassender Bericht, Event Name: Sigorta Tahkim Komisyonu Hakemlerine Eğitim Semineri, Event Start Date: 26/11/2020, Number of Authors: 1, Language: Türkisch, Publication State: Not Published, Special Issue: Not Exists, Country: TURKEY, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Ticaret Hukuku>Sigorta Hukuku,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Type: Volltextpapier, Event Name: Prof. Dr. Ergon A. Çetingil Anısına Deniz Ticareti Hukukunda Yargı Kararları Sempozyumu, Event Start Date: 25/09/2019, Number of Authors: 1, Language: Türkisch, Publication State: Special Issue: Not Exists, Country: TURKEY, City: İstanbul, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Ticaret Hukuku,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Type: Volltextpapier, Event Name: BEDENSEL ZARARL ARDAN DOLAYI HUKUKİ SORUMLULUK, Event Start Date: 01/11/2019, Number of Authors: 1, Language: Türkisch, Publication State: Published, Published Date: 01/03/2020, Special Issue: Not Exists, Page: 349-369, Access Type: Printversion, Country: TURKEY, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Ticaret Hukuku,
Authors: AKKANAT HALİL, ATALI MURAT, SEVEN VURAL, Type: wissenschaftliches Buch, Number of Authors: 3, Editor: , Language: Türkisch, Contribution Level: Alles, Publisher: Yetkin, ISBN: 9786050511390, Access Type: Printversion, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Ticaret Hukuku>Sigorta Hukuku,Sigorta Tahkim Merkezi,Yargıtay Kararları,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, ÖZEKES MUHAMMET, MERİÇ NEDİM, Type: wissenschaftliches Buch, Number of Authors: 3, Editor: , Language: Türkisch, Contribution Level: Alles, Publisher: Oniki Levha, ISBN: 9786257528870, Access Type: Printversion, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Ticaret Hukuku>Ticaret Hukuku,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Chapter Name: Karar İncelemesi: Gemi Kazası Sonucu Yaralanan Yolcuya Karşı Sorumlu Olan Kişilerin Tespiti ve Sorumluluğun Hukuki Dayanağı, Type: wissenschaftliches Buch, Number of Authors: 1, Editor: Memiş Tekin, Şimşek Bahar, Şener Selin, Language: Türkisch, Contribution Level: Kapitel, Publisher: On İki Levha, Page: 547-569, ISBN: 978-625-7899-85-7, Access Type: Printversion, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Deniz Hukuku,
Authors: ÖZEKES MUHAMMET, ATALI MURAT, EKMEKÇİ ÖMER, SEVEN VURAL, Chapter Name: Ticari Uyuşmazlıklarda Zorunlu Arabuluculuk, Type: Forschungsbuch, Number of Authors: 4, Editor: Oniki Levha Yayıncılık, Language: Türkisch, Contribution Level: Kapitel, Publisher: Oniki Levha Yayıncılık, Page: 285-397, ISBN: 9789752449510, Access Type: Printversion, Country: TURKEY, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Medeni Usul ve İcra İflas Hukuku,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Type: wissenschaftliches Buch, Number of Authors: 1, Editor: Vural Seven, Language: Türkisch, Contribution Level: Alles, Publisher: Filiz Kitapevi, ISBN: 978-975-368-544-3, Access Type: Printversion, Country: TURKEY, City: İstanbul, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Ticaret Hukuku,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Type: wissenschaftliches Buch, Number of Authors: 1, Editor: , Language: Türkisch, Contribution Level: Alles, Publisher: Yetkin, Country: TURKEY, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı->Hukuk,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Type: Lehrbuch, Number of Authors: 1, Editor: , Language: Türkisch, Contribution Level: Alles, Publisher: Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, Country: TURKEY, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı->Hukuk,
Authors: SEVEN VURAL, Type: wissenschaftliches Buch, Number of Authors: 1, Editor: , Language: Türkisch, Contribution Level: Alles, Publisher: Yetkin, Country: TURKEY, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı->Hukuk,