Burak Orhan completed his education at Cağaloğlu Anatolian High School in 2014 as one of the 156th term graduates. He graduated from Istanbul Bilgi University Faculty of Law in 2019, which he started with a full scholarship in the same year. He graduated from Istanbul Bilgi University, Faculty of Communication, Department of Media in 2020, where he received a double major education. During his undergraduate studies, he successfully completed student exchange programs at Myongji University (Seoul, South Korea), Ludwig Maximilians Universität (Munich, Germany) and Artevelde University (Gent, Belgium). He completed his Master's Degree Programme in Public Law at the Turkish-German University by defending his thesis titled "Freedom of Expression of New Media Subjects". Burak Orhan, who speaks German and English, is currently continuing PhD programme in Public Law at the Turkish-German University.
Authors: ORHAN BURAK, Type: wissenschaftliches Buch, Number of Authors: 1, Editor: , Language: Türkisch, Contribution Level: Alles, Publisher: ON İKİ LEVHA YAYINCILIK, ISBN: 978-625-5994-36-3, Access Type: Printversion, Country: TURKEY, City: İstanbul, Subject Matter Knowledge: Hukuk Temel Alanı>Genel Kamu Hukuku>Yeni Medya,İfade Hürriyeti,
E-Mail: burak.orhan@tau.edu.tr
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